Preparing for Your Next Visit

Follow the steps before your meeting with Dr. Curnew:

Current Meds List

Always carry a list of all the medications you are taking, including the doses. Remember, many individuals see multiple physicians. Complete the medication list or obtain a complete list from your pharmacy. Be sure to bring a current meds list to your appointment. Print and complete form at Meds List Form if you don't have one.

Prepare Information Form

Print and complete the next visit form and take it to your next appointment. Alternately, fax it or send key information in an email. See Contact Us for email and fax information.

Know Your Blood Pressure

Poor Blood Pressure (BP) is a silent killer. Your heart is a strong muscle that pumps freshly oxygenated blood through arteries to the rest of your body. When the heart contracts it causes an increase in pressure in your arteries, this is called the Systolics blood pressure. When your heart relaxes (and fills with blood), the pressure in your arteries is called the Diatolic blood pressure. The best BP is 110/70 mmHg. Higher values lead to more health problems.

Select More Info page for more information about blood pressure measuring devices including those used in the home.

Medication Information

Most of us would prefer not to be on medications. However, to maintain health, we have a series of drugs that allow us to live healthier, longer and improve our quality of life when used appropriately.

Use the same pharmacist for all your prescriptions and ask for 2 copies of wallet size prescription list, one to give to Dr. Curnew with each visit. Another option is filling the medication profile (small blue card). Keep it up-to-date by filling it out in pencil so changes can easily be made. Take more than one if needed.

Alternately, you can browse the Internet for copies of the High Road to Health Workbook-Cookbook that can be download for free. Typically they include space for you to keep track of your health journey. You will find versons written by various authors and catering to different food choices. Many of these books are also available in traditional printed form from bookstores.

Don't run out of your pills before your next visit. Most physicians, including myself are no longer providing renewals of medications by phone because of potential for too many errors.

Telephone Prescription Renewal Problem

Mr. Phone Renewal is a 55 year old gentleman who is running out of his cholesterol and blood pressure pills, and calls my office for a phone renewal. He hasn't seen me for over a year. My secretary quickly brought him to the office later that day where he brought all his medications. Going through his medical record, his last cholesterol, measured a year and-a-half ago was extremely high at 6.5 mmol/L. His blood pressure today was 150/95: also, too high. His last blood work suggested that he was a pre-diabetic with a fasting blood sugar of 6.5 mmol/L.

A simple phone renewal would be the easiest for all parties involved, however it is bad medicine. Mr. Phone Renewal now has diabetes and was under-treated for all his risk factors. I am glad that I made sure he came in.

"Good medicine is doing what is best, not doing what is easiest"

Many physicians including Dr. Curnew no longer provide phone renewals of prescription medications. There are too many opportunities for errors, and poor medical care. If you are running out of your pills your should:

Blood Tests

A blood test should be done 1 week before each visit to allow the results to be available online to the doctor. Some places will give results online within 24 hours but best to do the testing early, just in case.

Most of us do not know our own cholesterol levels and other important results. For many medical conditions, appropriate monitoring of liver, kidney function and potassium are important. You should know your cholesterol fractions and blood sugar. If you have blocked arteries or diabetes you must make sure that you are at goal every year and stay below target values. Less than 25% of Canadians at high risk are at target cholesterol values. If you do not know your values, have not had recent blood work or would like blood work done, grab a laboratory requisition form. Add your NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, OHIP #, and name of your family doctor on the list. Have your fasting blood work done at least two weeks before the next appointment with Dr. Curnew.


Prevention: the best way to treat a heart attack or stroke is to prevent it from happening in the first place

Most of Dr. Curnew's days are spent dealing with crisis. We are treating most disease processes in the advanced phases. Little time is available for prevention. Finding time to discuss healthy lifestyles adequately is very difficult during my daily practice. However, it is so important that I have decided to deal with prevention once per month in a relaxed and fun atmosphere to answer your questions, learn how to prevent and better treat ILLNESS so wellness predominates.

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